
In the age of the internet, convenience is king. We can buy our groceries, do our banking, connect with loved ones, and find answers to any question with just a few clicks. Unfortunately, along with that convenience comes the risk of cyber threats. The internet is rife with hackers, scammers, and malicious actors looking to steal your data and wreak havoc. To stay safe online, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself and your personal information. Read on for a few key tips on how to stay secure while browsing online.

Use Strong Passwords

strong passwordThis may seem obvious, but using strong, unique passwords is essential to keeping your login information safe. Avoid using easily guessable information such as your name, birthdate or pet’s name, and use a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols whenever possible. Consider using a password manager like LastPass or 1Password to generate and store complex passwords securely.

Keep Your Software Up to Date

the importance of updatesOne simple step you can take to protect yourself online is to make sure you install software updates as soon as they become available. These updates often include patches for security vulnerabilities, so delaying updates can leave your computer or phone open to hacking attempts. We know it can be annoying to have to do the updates and they can cause some inconvenience but they are important. If you’re not sure whether you’re running the latest version of your software, check for updates regularly or set your device to update automatically.

Be Wary of Phishing Attempts

phishing attemptPhishing is a type of cyber attack where scammers impersonate trusted entities like banks, retailers or government agencies to trick you into giving away personal information. Be cautious of emails, text messages or phone calls asking for sensitive data like account numbers or passwords, particularly if they urge you to act quickly or threaten consequences if you don’t comply. If in doubt, contact the company directly to verify the legitimacy of any communication.

Install Security Software

protecting your computer with security softwareInstalling a reputable antivirus program is another important step you can take to protect your online safety. Antivirus software helps to prevent malware and other malicious programs from infecting your computer, and can alert you to suspicious activity or insecure connections. Do some research to find a program that offers the features you need at a price you can afford.  We at Tech Tutors have a program to help with this.  Reach out to us today for more information.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

free wifi- bewareUsing public Wi-Fi is not safe!  If you frequently use public Wi-Fi networks to browse the internet, consider using a VPN to encrypt your data and protect your privacy. A VPN sends your web traffic through an encrypted tunnel, which makes it more difficult for hackers to steal your information. Some popular VPN services include NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and CyberGhost.


The internet has revolutionized the way we live our lives, but it’s important to stay vigilant in protecting ourselves from online threats. By following these tips and using common sense when browsing the web, you can greatly reduce the risk of cyberattacks and keep your personal information safe and secure. Remember, taking a few extra precautions now can save you a lot of hassle and headaches down the line. Stay safe out there!

Want some help protecting yourself while browsing online?  Reach out to us today!